Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Spectacular rolling hillsides

David has decided that he will sell his 12.5 acre paddock. It's a magnificent block with stunning views across rolling green hills; looking straight to the mountain and distant views of the ocean. Although there are no dwellings onsite there are two or three magnificent areas for building. Electricity supply runs right across the paddock and telephone infrastructure is also there. There is a creek in the south eastern corner, for watering cattle, plants, fruit trees etc.

Recent changes to the Island's immigration regime now encourage people offshore to own land and gain residency status. Norfolk is an external Territory of Australia but residents don't pay Australian income tax.

Now I'm Gaye, his wife, and not the world's best photographer, but I stood in the paddock and took some photos to give you some idea. I think you'll have to agree with me, that it's very, very pretty.

Norfolk Island lies 1600 kilometres east of Brisbane, Australia. A beautiful Pacific Island. This block is the perfect getaway from the rush and tumble of city life. It has electricity and telephone onsite and direct access to Headstone Road.

We'll start off, looking north west towards Mount Pitt -

 Moving clockwise to the north -
Past the stand of oak trees, still moving clockwise towards the north -

 The northern end of the paddock -

Still turning clockwise we're heading north east -

Turning towards the eastern boundary -
Still turning clockwise, you can see the tall, thin pine tree on the left of the above photo, has moved towards the middle in the below photo   -

and is moving towards the right in this photo, as we keep turning clockwise, heading towards the south -
 until we're facing due south -
  and still turning clockwise we face south west -
 until we've turned to due west -

 and come right back to the trees we started off with.
Except now I'm standing behind them and looking to the south instead of standing in front of them and looking to the north.

Now if your maths or your sense of direction is as good as mine, you should be thoroughly lost!

Nonetheless, you should also have realised that the paddock is very, very pretty.

The next three photos are taken of the creek running through the south eastern end of the block.

and last but not least, I've taken a photo of this tree for the simple reason that I think it's a beautiful tree.

It's very old and right on the boundary. An African Olive, with gnarled limbs and trunk.

I can't change the blogger profile thing, so although it says Gaye Evans under the photo on the profile, it's actually David Evans!!

If you'd like to own this stunning piece of property, its on the market for $360,000. Are you interested? T hen please email David at 

1 comment:

  1. you can change it in the settings and make no profile shown. I think it is in the layout or the settings. Where it shows you the grey areas like the about me section and has a little blue edit underneath click there and put a tick in the boxes (pop up window) that say don't show profile on this blog.
    I hope that helps xox C
